Forum Rules

This forum is moderated and there are few rules which we hope all subscribers can adhere to, take a look at the forum rules below. Wherever possible Bedfont® will allow users to be their own moderators, but we will intervene if necessary and action will be taken as appropriate. We may change these rules at any time but, we will inform you of any amendments immediately.Image for the Forum Rules page on NObreath Website

1. Submissions on the forum

Submissions are those of the individual and are not to be taken as those of Bedfont®.

2. Copyright on the forum

The content is not within the public domain and may not be reproduced in any form without the express written permission of Bedfont® and the original poster. If permission is required please forward your request to

3. Language

Please post in English on the forum.

4. Etiquette

No threatening comments in messages and please refrain from posting in capitals as it is seen as shouting and if necessary the Moderators will take action which may lead to removal of subscription.
No posts about complaints of the monitor, if you have a query regarding your monitor then you must contact Bedfont® or its local representative.
If you are found to have posted a complaint then you will be temporarily denied access to the forum until the matter is resolved. If the problem continues once you are reinstated on the forum, then you will be permanently banned.

5. Advertising on the forum

Forum users are not permitted to post commercial advertisements (including offering goods or services for sale) on the forums.

Protection of Personal Data

As a user you agree to any information you have entered to being stored in a database. While this information will not be disclosed to any third party without your consent, Bedfont® Scientific Ltd. For further information, please see our privacy policy.

If you have any queries about the forum, please contact

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If you do not already have an account, you can register here. Find out about more of our products on the Bedfont website